You can also worship at the shrine of your deity. Some deities may restrict prayer to specific times or locations. While you can pray as often as you wish, praying at least once a day is sufficient to raise your favor as fast as possible there is no additional benefit to repeatedly praying in quick succession or praying for long amounts of time. Use the Pray power to kneel and enter a meditative state, raising your favor and displaying your current favor. You can only worship one deity at a time. If favor drops to 0%, the deity will abandon you. Ignoring your religious duties or violating their taboos will cause your favor with the deity to gradually diminish. Upon reaching 100%, you become a Devotee and receive a second gift that is a dramatic manifestation of the deity's power on Tamriel. Some deities can only be worshipped by certain races or after completing a quest.Īdhering to the tenets, praying, and worshipping at their shrine will raise your favor with your deity. Followers receive a subtle gift, the Pray power, and a list of religious tenets. Whenever you use a shrine, a dialog box appears, allowing you to become a Follower of that deity.

Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim is a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition.